1. Assignment model:

The assignment model has been fundamentally redesigned. An assignment is no longer the description of a planned job, but a container for several jobs. This means that several jobs can be defined within one order.
The following attributes are now supported for an assignment:
– Status
– assignment number
– use Review
– Assignment pool
– Cost group
– Registration until (date)
– Planned start (date)
– Planned end (date)
– Delivery by (date)
– Assignment remarks
– Notification type
– Priority
– Tags
– Preparations
– costs
– files
– Jobs

One of the most effective changes is the new assignment status model. An assignment can have one of 5 possible statuses.

1. Processing:
– The order can be processed as desired, but the jobs within the order cannot be executed.
2. Registration:
– The assignment can still be edited and the jobs can still not be executed, but the user has the option of registering for the jobs. When registering, the logged in user is added as a contractor to a job and then the status of the job is set to “Registered”, blocking further registration of another contractor to the job.
3. Execution:
– Jobs can no longer be edited, a contractor must be defined in each case and the job itself must be described accordingly. Now the jobs can be executed.
4. Review:
– After all jobs have been executed, the assignment automatically switches to review status, provided you have previously activated the “use Review” option. The executed jobs can only be undone during the review. Once the assignment has been completed, this is no longer possible. In this step, you have the last opportunity to make changes to the assignment itself.
5. Completed:
– After you have completed all the jobs without a review step or after you have manually set the assignment to Completed, you can no longer edit the assignment.

The job itself more or less corresponds to the old appearance of an assignment and defines the who, what, when and where. New to the job is the status and the option to enter an address.

1.1 Assignment pools

Assignment pools are used to group assignments. Assignment pools are managed via the navigation and can be accessed from there. When you select an assignment pool, you are taken to the assignment list, which only displays the assignments in the selected assignment pool.
You can create, edit or delete new assignment pools either by clicking on the Assignment pools tab or by right-clicking on an individual assignment pool.

1.2 Cost group and costs

You can now manage costs in WARIOS and transfer them from an assignment to a cost center, for example. This is done automatically as soon as the assignment is completed. The costs incurred in the assignment are then displayed in the selected cost group. The costs themselves consist of a freely definable cost type, the amount and an optional comment. It is also saved who defined these costs and who approved them.

1.3 Registration until
Limits the period in which users can register for the job of the assignment.

1.4 Notification type
A freely definable list with color-coded entries explaining why the assignment was created, e.g. customer request, ticket system, object monitoring and much more.

1.5 Priority
A freely definable list with color-coded entries that classify which assignments have priority.

1.6 Preparations
Allows the planner to store mandatory preparations as free text. These must be confirmed before the assignment is released, i.e. before the status of the assignment is set to “Execution”.

2. Spare parts

Maintenance objects can now also be used as spare parts. To do this, the status of the object is set to “Spare part”, i.e. from now on maintenance objects can have one of three statuses: active, inactive or spare part. In the case of a spare part, the services are no longer listed in the object monitoring, but you can still carry out jobs for the object.
A spare part can be installed anywhere in the project view at any time. In addition, you can now select a spare part to replace the corresponding object for an exchange. If you do not select a spare part for an exchange, a new object is created as before.
Active maintenance objects can be removed at any time and are managed as spare parts from this point onwards.
Spare parts are not displayed in the project view, but are managed in a separate list.

3. Labels

History entries such as malfunction, repair, maintenance, exchange, task and user note can now be provided with labels. Labels are color-coded entries and can be freely defined. The colour coding is also visualized in the history of an object and should help to identify special events.

4. Variable data

You can now visualize the process data graphically on the variable page.

5. Application search

The application search can be activated with the CTRL + K keys. This searches for maintenance objects and pages within the project. The search also takes typing errors into account and is primarily intended to help you navigate even faster through WARIOS®cmms. Use the arrow keys to navigate within the search results and press the Enter key to display the corresponding result.

6. Navigation bar

When you open a page in WARIOS®cmms, a navigation tab is also created with which you can switch between the open pages. After some time, the open pages and thus also the navigation tabs accumulate. You can now organize the list better by right-clicking on one of the tabs, closing several tabs at the same time or pinning important tabs.

7. Bug fixes

We have fixed all the bugs sent to us and greatly improved the performance of the project view.


For easier and quicker visualization, you can watch our video tutorial on the new features here.