WARIOS Cloud Status

Gain insights about the current availability of our WARIOS cloud service (IT Services availability).
Our status reports listed below show you if and what current impairments exist in the availability of our cloud services. Regular maintenance takes place in the period from Friday 05.00 pm to Saturday 05.59 am (UTC+1, summer time UTC+2). Some components may then be temporarily unavailable. Longer downtimes are usually announced here.
Are you experiencing a problem or one of our services is not performing as it should?
No problem! Check further down this page for recent status updates. If the cloud status leaves more questions unanswered, let’s work together to find a solution.
We will be happy to help you via our contact form or by phone.
Overview server status
12.07.2024 – Update software WARIOS|cmms. Downtime from 11.00 am to 7.00 pm
19.10.2023 – Update software WARIOS|cmms and WARIOS|reports. Downtime from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
11.09.2023 – Update software WARIOS|reports. Downtime from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.